Eight stories of rockets and robots, monsters and Martians, fistfights and beauties, wonders and awe...
The Fourth Gift
A brotherhood outside of time seeks to mend a Solar System devastated by lunatic machines — until their mending is disrupted by a mysterious ring around the moon!
Whether or not the Mender had rebuilt his Luna, the ring was there. Even if the Mender had supplanted Luna with some ambitious structure – some divergence from the dull old Moon – the ring was there, whirring within. The ring, that is, was disregarding
actual conditions of local matter and gravity, and was relentlessly orbiting some
ideal of Luna.
Banana Man
An old man escapes his aimless life by claiming an asteroid and growing the most perfect bananas upon it!
The gatekeeper directed Nesden to push the crate into the bioscanner bay. Nesden did so. The bioscanner lit the crate and stared inside with a multitude of imaging radiations. The gatekeeper reviewed the pictures and data on his terminal. For a moment he was other than a minion of the Ceres Port Authority and said, marveling, “Those are nice looking bananas.”
The Girl With the Nuclear Bomb
A girl who is not a girl awaits judgment against a city — and a stranger knows what she carries!
She sent the spiders, six of them, no bigger than spiders and looking exactly like spiders, even if
stepped upon they would seem like spiders, smearing like spiders, hair-thin legs in spider-smear; but they made no webs and sought no flies and busied themselves with only whatever she desired.
The King's Portion
A king on the run is accosted by a voracious entity!
The King, wide-eyed, stepped back. As did Faren. The blood of the body was blackened. The roots faded. The leaves parted. The body was lifted, and trembled. Its armor fell, every strap suddenly decayed. Its tunic dusted away. It hovered naked, black blood traversing its chest.
Some Things Missing From Her Profile
His blind date has been kidnapped by Martians. He has no idea why. But he isn't about to let them keep her!
Becker had no
plan to kill anyone. He intended, if possible, to spirit Lovely away. But he expected resistance. And even if, for now, the Gneiss in his grip was manifested as a dart-taser, he had it configured for instant reversion to its lethal default.
Due a Hanging
She might be on the yacht in the Martian Canal.
And he isn't the only one looking for her!
His cheeks were scarred terribly, as if by swinging knives, and his skin was rough, a sickly tan. He was lanky, nearly as tall as Becker. His arms hung at his sides. Only his hands were ill at ease, the fingers slowly bending and wrapping each other. They appeared to have been broken in the past.
Ambit of Charon
Men from a Plutonian research base confront
metaphysical chaos on Charon!
Porter now clamped and checked all the seals on his helmet. He checked the status of his suit systems. At the tool locker he prudently grabbed a heavy wrench. He swung it once to assess its potential to break bones.
The Spare Midge
Two runaway sisters — their minds interlaced — resolve to rescue the implanted helper-sentience of a deceased warrior!
Within the Sling, as Midge and I settled into the baubleship and waited for the snap, I stared out at the sparkling tension of the aether and realized it was beautiful. I actually thought:
It's beautiful. And I felt something then that Midge did not. She longed to escape, to get away, far away — and by the lace this filled me, too; but on my own, to my own surprise, I felt also the promise of a far place.